Croeso i Gymru, welcome to Wales. We’ve got lots to share with you. So come on in, let us introduce ourselves.
Wales is a nation that’s home to acts of kindness, global business, open arms and brilliant ideas. A land where you can put in a day at the desk and climb an epic mountain after tea; where you’ll find as many world-class creators and innovators as you’ll find incredible choirs and castles. A country where sporting greats are cheered on by the greatest fans.
Come cheer with us
We’re getting ready for a party, and you’re invited. If your country hasn’t made the Football World Cup finals, become an honorary Welsh fan so you can enjoy the world’s biggest sporting tournament with us. And if your country has made it to the finals, well, everyone can have a second team to support!

Get to know us better

We’re a nation of 3.1 million people who deeply cherish what we have — epic mountains, dramatic coastlines and thriving cities — and we work hard to look after it, from grassroots up: we have one of the world’s best records on recycling and we’re busy planting a National Forest across our entire nation, right now.
Our land and seas help us produce magnificent food and drink that we love to share with guests, from unique food shacks to Michelin-star restaurants. We’re also blessed with a rich history and vibrant and distinctive culture, and a unique language — Cymraeg.
Ideas have always been important to us. The equals sign was invented in Wales, so was the National Health Service: a service later adopted by many countries to provide access to healthcare for free. That says quite a bit about our national psyche. We care about one another.

Wales was also at the heart of the global industrial revolution — a history that forged our close-knit communities and sense of social justice and fairness. It’s this sense of cymuned (community) that continues to shape our priorities: to do good things — at home and abroad.
Today, our revolution is one of sustainability and creativity, and we love people who share our excitement at progressive ideas and opportunities.
So, o’n bro i’r byd, from Wales to the world, we say croeso cynnes — the warmest of welcomes to our celebration, and to our country.